When I finally understood Depression

5 months ago, I lost my job of 6 years. It was inevitable and I understood the circumstances of the loss. That didn’t change the fact that it was painful, though. Even though I knew it was time for another chapter of my career, that job allowed me to do what I wanted to do…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 13: Ex-Friend

Well, that’s someone I didn’t want to remember. But when it comes to TwinDaddy‘s day 13 song challenge, any other friend was just a friend I have not kept in touch with, and “Former Friend” brought to mind only one person. I guess everyone has that one friend who thinks the universe revolves around them.…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 12: The Last Song You Heard

At last, an easy one! After days of having to think which song to choose, TwinDaddy‘s 25-day song challenge provided respite. The last song I heard was the song I was singing, just now, which was Rains of Castamere. Which is understandable, since this week’s Game of Thrones was a kickstarter on its own. Having…

25 Days, 25 Songs: Two In One

So, what did I miss? No, I did not forget TwinDaddy‘s 25 days worth of songs; I just could not do days 8 and 9 because I was away and separate from civilization. I went on a camping trip, where I helped teach a bunch of kids some basics of mountaineering. It was fun, even…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 7: This Time Last Year

April and May are summer months in my country, and I had to dig through my Facebook timeline to see what I did last year. This activity highlighted the relevance of the origin of things, and I now appreciate how my current lifestyle began. TwinDaddy‘s challenge today tells me to remember the past summer, and…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 6: Best Friend

Today, someone thanked me for a “great training class.” Which reminded me, yet again, how much I liked doing my job. Little notes of gratitude like the simple, privately-spoken comment I received today have become the moments I live for. These are my thank-you’s, and I will keep them all to myself for future admiration…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 5: Stuck In My Head

Today’s song is the song that’s often stuck in my head. Much like most of the songs that I see from other entries to TwinDaddy‘s challenge, this became a reminder for me to check on a period drama I had been following the past year, Masters Of Sex, starring the wonderful Michael Sheen and the…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 4: Calms You Down

Dear TwinDaddy, I think it’s getting more difficult by the day. I can only hope it gets better at some point, because I refuse to look at the list as a whole and check what’s coming. So I had to find some inspiration by looking at other people’s posts before I finally remembered mine. This…

25 Days, 25 Songs Day 3: Mom and Dad

There’s still time for Day 3. I tell myself this as I write today’s entry, wrapped in precisely 6 Salonpas patches on my arms, one foot up while the other dangles helplessly, bemoaning the fact that my everything hurts right now, but only doing so internally because if I moan out loud my headache would…